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An Intruder

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Posted  Edited by Lapis

Back in around 2004/2005 I lived next to the major hospital in my city. This hospital used to deal with a lot of people ranging from the injured to the insane, just like any hospital really. I lived around 50 feet away from it so I would often see people who were a few sandwiches short of a picnic outside my apartment block. After a while I got used to the sort of people you'd see hanging around, the demographic was pretty varied so I'd see people from all walks of life outside. Nothing overly weird happened until one night...


I lived on the ground floor of my apartment building and my bedroom window opened onto the street. On the odd occasion where I'd forgotten my keys I'd take a short cut and just clamber on in through my own window, it wasn't overly difficult. Anyway one blisteringly hot summers evening I decided that rather than stew in my own juices I'd open the window and see about getting a nice breeze into my room. It was a bloody hot evening so I decided to sleep in my birthday suit under a thin blanket to stay at a comfortable temperature and aid me in my mission to pay Morpheus a visit.


The night wore on and I just lay in a state of semi consciousness, that stage where you're not quite asleep but not quite awake either. I'm sure you're familiar with it. Anyway as the hours tick by and the footfall from the hospital tapers off I heard rustling outside my window. Hearing people late at night outside of my window wasn't particularly unusual as my bedroom window was right next to the entrance to the building and people would often come in late at night after an evening of drinking. I think nothing of this and just lay in my state of semi consciousness enjoying that feeling of not quite being awake or asleep.


I hear more rustling outside the window, I start thinking that it's quite odd. The next thing I know there's a motherfucker tangled in my blind stumbling onto my bed, my bed was right under the window. Anyway whilst this fucker is tangled in my blind I snap immediately awake. I don't think at all and I kick this bastard with all my strength, he went flying off of my bed and landed on my bedroom floor. Between him landing on my bed and me kicking him off there can't have been more than around five seconds. I didn't know what to do and didn't have time to think, I jumped out of bed, I punch and kick him toward my bedroom door and wrestle him into the hallway. This bastard is stunned for words and didn't seem to fight back with any kind of real vigour. Anyway I somehow managed to open the apartment door and throw him into the complex passage and slam the door before he knew what hit him.


Side Note: I was 15 when this happened, and i'm not a very good story teller.

Edited by Lapis



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So, when you were 15, you wrestled some guy while in your birthday suit, and threw him out of your home?

Must've been quite the experience for both of you. It also sounds like you're lucky he was either A: stoned, B: drunk, or C: in agonizing pain from being kicked in the balls probably.

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