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Scientology branch closed after members held against their will.

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Cause it's funny to see how insane they are?


(Made by @Rose, thx :D)


[Former]- Breach Admin, OLD Purge SR. Admin, HnS admin, GMOD Murder admin, GMOD JB Admin, TTT Admin, Forum Moderator, Discord Moderator, Public Relations Team Member, Media Team Member


I'm out



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Posted  Edited by CNe7532294 - Edit Reason: Must rerail my train. Just read the real TL;DR :lenny:
8 hours ago, Joshy said:

Religion is a very complex topic.


Yes, man has certainly created so many gods and many ways to follow such gods. Can't tell if any of them are 100% legit. Can't even tell if they're all being metaphorical or literal (the epic stories of old and new testament vs golden rule and what's written in 10 commandments.) Coming from a Baptist and Catholic background. One thing is for sure. Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples, etc. will always have their flaws. After all they are headed by flawed beings and not the flawless being/s these flawed beings worshop ever so much.


Still can't nuke it all off the map from orbit if a few components of religion help people. Brought me up to be a good person and not go around selling dope and ruining lives or acting like a fool who can't learn to live the harshness of life. Theres also charity too. All the rest of though is a bunch of propaganda garbage that puts me to sleep (talking about how great jesus and/or god is) or makes me cringe if it goes against physical evidence (Earth made in 7 days 50,000yrs ago) or if it makes your life harder than it should be. Case in point, in the Philippines some people flail and self mutilate themselves in an attempt to be closer to jesus and his suffering. In my case I'm always told to go to church on Sunday and that you MUST pray to god even when I have a legitamate reason like, studying for math class on Monday, to skip on it. (1st world problems eh ;D :lenny: )


TL;DR: Imho I can't fully trash religion if it teaches you to be a good person and especially if it has common sense built into it. At the same time don't be so naive into believing 100% of what other people tell you. Think for yourself is my advice.



A funny thing happened to me at the Vatican last October's vacation to Italy. While I still don't feel the power of Christ comple me to do whatever it is people want me to do, I did have a struck sense of awe how in 1000s of years people have walked the same grounds as I have and how painstakenly people for the church, contracted for the church, or donors for the church took it upon themselves to make great works of art or preserve them for all the world to see that the mind boggles in a good sense of the phrase. I recommend heading there to appreciate "literally history itself". The best way I can describe it. I didn't let my hatred of propaganda get in the way of loving the place and the people who took the time and effort to preserve what they could so future generations could hopefully learn/ be inspired from it.


The real TL;DR:

To answer OP's ? I guess its cause people want to find a strong direction in life that sometimes it leads to them tragically (or comically when no one gets badly hurt) following others off the edge of a cliff.

Edited by CNe7532294
Must rerail my train. Just read the real TL;DR :lenny:

We all start out as idealists only to slowly but surely become realists one day, the likes of which we'd never imagine we would become. Meanwhile we stare back at new idealists and see a reflection of what we once were.


Facing reality to get through life.


:cockatiel: I drink birds alive and whole while petting them :cockatiel:




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