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Tired of signing into YouTube?

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Posted  Edited by upin

 Few years ago I learned that by changing the URL of YouTube, I could watch age restricted videos without signing in. Overtime, this got tiresome. So I made a JavaScript, that can be placed on your browser bookmarks, and when you visit a YouTube video, simply click the button; the URL will change and you will be sent to the "full" screen version of the same video, bypassing the signing in to verify your age BS.

Note: This may not work on every YouTube video. Tested on Firefox v53


Make a new bookmark in your browser by right clicking on the bookmark toolbar; then "New Bookmark".



In the location section, copy and paste the following code:


javascript:var curl=window.location.href.split('=')[1]; nurl = "v/" + curl;window.location.assign(nurl);



In the name section, feel free to name it anything you want. Something that will remind you of what this button if for!!

The other three boxes, Tags, Keyword, and Description can be left blank.


Once the Name and Location have been filled in as instructed earlier on, click on the "Add" button to save it.

Now you are ready to try it out. Visit YouTube, find a video, click on that video to watch it, and then click on the newly installed bookmark button we just added. You should be redirected to the "full" screen version of the same video! Enjoy!


In my next post, I will breakdown the code and explain each part! Maybe with images!!

Edited by upin

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Posted  Edited by upin

The Break Down!!!


javascript:var curl=window.location.href.split('=')[1]; nurl = "v/" + curl;window.location.assign(nurl);

We are telling Firefox what our code is.



Short for variable. var followed by a name will let it be known that the following name is a container for data we will store into it later. Simple



This is my variable. I just named it "curl" as in current URL. This is the name we will assign data to!



Just that.



The first part grabs the current URL from the browser.

"window.location.href" as a whole.






The .split, separates the URL in different sections;


https://www.          youtube.com/             watch?v=             nggQan4XZ1E


We are after everything following the "=", and the 1 lets the script know we are after everything after the "=", if we put a 0 it would grab everything before the "=".


So now our variable "curl" will hold the data following the "=" and in our case, it would be nggQan4XZ1E


Now to get the "full" screen version of a YouTube video, normally we would change the url


www.youtube.com/watch?v="video code"



www.youtube.com/v/"video code"


My code will do that for us.


In the next section of code:


nurl = "v/" + curl


I created another variable, I gave it a name, "nurl" new URL, with the following data I want stored which is, v/ and then I wanted to add the data from the first variable that held our video code, next.


curl would = "nggQan4XZ1E"


nurl would = v/ + curl

which would now give us this:

nurl = https://www.youtube.com/v/nggQan4XZ1E


The next like of code will replace our current URL with our new URL and will redirect us to our "full" screen version of our video!!


Edited by upin

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I'm not saying this is bad, I'm sure this will help a lot of people.

But how hard is it to just make a fake age? :wutface:

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15 minutes ago, iPro said:

I'm not saying this is bad, I'm sure this will help a lot of people.

But how hard is it to just make a fake age? :wutface:

Think about what you have to do. You first have to make an email, make a name, go through settings, then join YouTube. All for what? This way, you don't have to bother with none of that. Just copy paste a code in the bookmark and you are done. I just went through the code so people that don't know what it means will understand and know its not going to harm their computers. You don't have to bother with signing into any emails, making fake emails. But to each his own.


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30 minutes ago, upin said:

Think about what you have to do. You first have to make an email, make a name, go through settings, then join YouTube. All for what? This way, you don't have to bother with none of that. Just copy paste a code in the bookmark and you are done. I just went through the code so people that don't know what it means will understand and know its not going to harm their computers. You don't have to bother with signing into any emails, making fake emails. But to each his own.


I mean true, but it's 2017 who doesn't already have a google account anymore lol

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Like I said, I'm not taking anything away from you.

I could try for weeks and not come nearly as close as making 1 line of code. ;)

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8 hours ago, iPro said:

I mean true, but it's 2017 who doesn't already have a google account anymore lol

I have a few, but I do not always like signing into them just to watch a quick video; clearing history for views in YouTube so I do not get bothered by suggestions, then logging back out.  So for me, clicking one button was much easier than keep doing all of that I just listed.


8 hours ago, iPro said:

Like I said, I'm not taking anything away from you.

I could try for weeks and not come nearly as close as making 1 line of code. ;)

Why not take my code? I have a break down of how the code works for those that may have a hard time believing !!2eca61ae8bce82fbcd8064b453716728.jpg

This is a lot less terrifying

javascript:var curl=window.location.href.split('=')[1]; nurl = "v/" + curl;window.location.assign(nurl);


than this:

var _0xd333=["\x3D","\x73\x70\x6C\x69\x74","\x68\x72\x65\x66","\x6C\x6F\x63\x61\x74\x69\x6F\x6E","\x76\x2F","\x61\x73\x73\x69\x67\x6E"];javascript:var curl=window[_0xd333[3]][_0xd333[2]][_0xd333[1]](_0xd333[0])[1];nurl= _0xd333[4]+ curl;window[_0xd333[3]][_0xd333[5]](nurl)


this one line of code changing the URL 

https://wwww.youtube.com/watch?v="video code"


https://wwww.youtube.com/v/"video code"


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