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Long Range Combat

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As playing Breach RP I can across a problem that a lot of people tend to have is to shoot first. now it may not sound bad but when your a class D and a chaos insurgency member takes off his vest 3 hallways down and turns the corner 3 hall ways down and looks at you its hard to tell if its researcher or Chaos or MTF etc... 

this problem is most frequent in ban and warns as they cause confusion and all you can do for the next one is look at who you are shooting first. 

but this next encounter they shot first. a researcher and a researcher start shooting each other across the hallways because they where told that chaos were here big problem.

one dies and the other creates a report because he is mad that he died even though he wouldn't care if he killed the other guy. its a no win situation. one gets warned and warned again until they get banned seen it happen to people and its happened to me please add something to fix this problem of team killing 

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There are a few possible solutions, the easiest would be extend the target ID range.


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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