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Bring Back Time Ranks

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Posted  Edited by Sammy

With the old timer, you would have ranks for how long you played. I feel we should bring those back.


D Class: 0-10 hours


Researcher: 10-20 hours


MTF Guard: 20-40 hours


MTF Commander: 40-60 hours


MTF Nine Tailed Fox: 60-100 hours


05: 100+ hours

Edited by Sammy

Party of Lenin, strength of the people,

To Communism's triumph lead us on!

Breach Admin



Leader of the League of GFL Communists

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I did like them, but two things:

First, add the hours people already have. 

Second, add rewarss for getting a higher rank (like getting more points per round if you are a higher rank, although we need more point shop stuff)


“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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