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RPG Upgrades Explained

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Posted  Edited by -SL

This guide as of now will explain how each upgrade works:
1. Armor Regeneration : Regenerates armor regularly.  EX. lvl 1 = 1 hp per second, MAX = LVL 5: 5 HP per second
2. Armor + : Increases your armor maximally (increase your overall armor points) : Max 125
3. Damage + : Deal additional damage on enemies
4. Fire Grenade : Ignites players damaged by your grenade 
5. Fire Pistol : Ignites players hit with your pistol
6. Frost Pistol : Slow down players hit with your pistol
7. Grenade Resupply : Regenerates grenades after (x) seconds (regenerate quicker based on level of upgrade)

8. HP Regeneration: Regenerates HP regularly.   EX.  LVL 5 = 5 hp points added per second
9. Health + : Increases your overall health each time you upgrade EX. Lvl 12 is max = 400 hp

10. Ice grenade : Enemy players hit with your grenade will freeze.
11. Ice Stab : Freezes player with stab/slash. Note - When a player is frozen less damage will be dealt, so don't lvl up to high.  recommended is lvl 2

12. Impulse : Gain speed while being shot at.  Note - normally when shot you slow down, this counters that.
13. Increase clip size: Increases the amount of ammo in your clip.  EX. ak typically has 30 rounds in a magazine, max clip size for ak is 40 rounds

14. Increase Fire rate: increases how quickly your weapons shoot

15. Medic : Heals your teammate when you are nearby them

16. Reduced gravity: Reduces your overall gravity. 

17. Speed+ : Increases your movement speed.

18. Stealth : Makes your character more translucent or harder to see
19. Vampire: Gain hp from killing/shooting enemy players.  

This is a start to a guide that I haven't seen on this forum.  I made this in twenty minutes so it will always have room for improvement.                                                                    

Edited by -SL

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Posted  Edited by -SL

Indeed it does most of the content for this post was me going through that list and making a thread here.  

Edited by -SL

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