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Server Statistics

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Before website issue we had a statistics tracker for the server.  Would show your overall ranking on the server and many other interesting stats.  Am wondering if that system will reset or merge onto this new forum account I've made?  

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Posted  Edited by TheGoldenOne

You mean hlstats? For some reason its not working from that issue, maybe coz hlstats are connected with forums. I miss it, but I can deal with it, lol. Its not that important to have our servers synced with hlstats imo. Important thing is that server works. :)

Edited by TheGoldenOne

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Definitely important for the server to work.  But being how the server resets every 6 months it's a nice feeling to have an overall rank that shows how long you've been playing on the server, and after every reset you're not just some newbie again,

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Haha, I am nr. 1 from eu in hlstats, but idc. Hlstats were not working in EU for over half a year, thats why I am like nr. 15 overall tho I am nr. 1 in EU. Points in rank mean basically nothing, maybe it does for US players, but for EU it means nothing.

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It means the same for both sides, granted it was more up to date on US side before website issues.  I liked having a rank that wouldn't reset it added another goal.  PLus it shows your over kills deaths/weapon stats.  kind of interesting to know that the most updated statistic shows me at 51,000 kills

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