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This is an awesome idea @Bae  


If It'll help others see it, I can share my story a little to help people see there is always others there for you. 


Back in high school, I had began my first serious relationship. She had a troubled past herself and we ended up bonding over the things that went wrong in our lives, and that was the first mistake to over a year of toxicity and a real world experience. As time went on, I turned to drugs and other resorts. Eventually my body shut down, my only kidney (had cancer as a child) was failing. After starting to get clean, I left her and began to live in my car until my best friend literally pulled me out of it, brought me into his house, and told me to get back on my feet. Now him and I still talk daily, my older friends came back into contact and support me, and I've been clean for over 2 years. 


Tl;dr - my friends helped me go from rock bottom to the best I've ever been. You're never truly alone. Always ask for help when you need it. 







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I'll go first since I'm still going through this suffering while forcing myself to be happy.


As a child, I was physically abused by my mother and older brother for any wrongdoings even the smallest mistakes. I don't get those spanking like on your butt or hands, but literally on my head with shoes or broomsticks. Any mistake I do, the punishment gets more heavier. For example, my teacher noticed bruises on me. I didn't know at that time that it was bad if I confess to them that I could be taken away from my family. So, I told them my parents whipped me because I told a lie. They called child service and I got whipped and yelled at, they told me to continuing lying especially if it's child service. One day, I exploded. I started to cry hard and laughing hard while holding a knife against my mother's neck; just because she said she wish that I was never born, and that she wanted to send me to the mental institution. After that day, I was grounded for a long time. I finally got ungrounded when I entered high school, I finally got a cell phone and that didn't take long for them to ground me again for having an F. I was getting a ride home from a friend well I thought he was a friend... And I was raped, it was not the best feeling and it made me hate men even more, although I do have a father and brothers, but they were the only one I could trust then. The fact that I see bunch of girls flirting and then end up reporting them for rape, you don't know what rape is until you experience it. It took me years to finally moved away from the horrible memory. The other problem would be the fact that I have night terrors. Night terrors is a feelings of great fear experienced on suddenly waking in the night. It's like night mares but worse. I experience pain and death while in my dream instead of waking up right away before it starts to hurt... I actually feel it. My hallucination becomes bad, too, to the point that someone else sees the same hallucination. It is scary and hence why I dislike watching horror films, but I tried to overcome my fear. My thoughts are always negative but I have to be positive.


Recently, I was helping someone with their problems and while I have my own problem... I tried to give the best advice I can because I do not want to have them end up suffering like I am now. I have cut myself before not too deep though, just a small slit. But it was only one time because of my hallucination. I am afraid to go to doctors especially if they see you as mentally insane or retarded. I'm an adult now and this feel comes and goes as it does.


credits to @Clavers

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