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MTF Task Force- MTF-Omega-9-"The Scrubs"

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First, let me explain the difference of this MTF Task Force from the Nine Tailed Fox or Chaos Insurgency. First,  the most important detail, in my opinion: they would only be able to damage SCPS, and would be friendly to all humans.(I'll explain this later)  Second: They are SCPS. Let me provide some backstory to these SCPS: SCP-2639: Scp-2639-A are three humanoid entities equipped with anomalous wepaons and armor. Each entity exhibits superhuman speed, strength, endurance, resistance to injury, and perceives no pain or discomfort. When an instance is destroyed, an undamaged copy of this instance will appear somewhere within a one kilometer distance. Scp-2639-B consists of twenty-two distinct 'types' of intangible objects throughout Scp-2639's area of effect. Each instance hovers zero-point-one meters above ground and rotates on a horizontal axis at a set rate. When instances of Scp-2639-A make contact with an instance of Scp-2639-B, the object will typically vanish, conferring a beneficial effect on the entity. Scp-2639-C is a customized desktop computer. The computer runs without a discernible power-source, and has been hosting a heavily-modified online Quake death-match since 1997. The session's participants are connected to the host machine via anomalous means, and have been identifed as three teenagers missing since 06/18/1997. Until the discovery of SCP-2639-C, they had been unaware they had been playing for over a decade. Just to summarize: SCP-2639 is a Quake game, but instead of happening online, it happens in real life. Through a scientist talking with these three teenagers by connecting to Scp-2639-C, the three teenagers learn they had killed over ten thousand people, they become very depressed. A few years later, after years of them just sitting around in a Quake lobby, the inital scientist connects to Scp-2639-C in a panic because at the site they are located at, a containment breach had just happened and that was his last hope to live. After this event, SCP-2639-As all agree to help fight the SCPS in order to save lives, as an attempt to make up for the ones they had taken before. That is why they refuse to kill humans. Now, the stats: two ideas for the health system: Each SCP-2639-A gets 250 health, or they each get 100 health and respawn twice. Same speed as humans. Ten percent chance of spawning in place of the Nine Tailed Fox/Chaos Insurgency, but that percentage may increase if the number of SCPS in the game greatly outnumbers the number of humans, such as if a SCP-049 assembles an army, on a plague round, or on a zombie plague round. I don't have any models. Well, thats all. 

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Posted  Edited by Cpt.Haxray

Was suggested already, in a manner that wasn't a giant wall of text and linked to models with a better and more clear title.


Fix your grammar at least, space out the post. I can barely read it.

Edited by Cpt.Haxray

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