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Ban appeal - Argento - Multiacc

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Posted  Edited by Argento

Your In-Game Name: ŽΣП | Argento

Your Steam ID: Dont have (for those who dont know will be explained in appeal reason)

Ban reason and Length:  Not sure (for those who don't know will be explained in appeal reason)

Admin That Banned You: Not sure as well, but i guess it was Snowy-san.

Appeal Reason:


Hello everyone.

At first i need to say sorry for my cringy english, but as my defend i am not native speaker and i never was longer time in eng. speaking country.

I am not sure where i should start. I am typing this as an explain of situation with my "alt accounts" with the hope we can make some solution. 


My laptop is old and my PC's died so now i am playing only in PC-cyber-caffebar which basicly mean you pay them some cash and you can play on their HQ computers. 

They have their own client instead "classic windows" and when you start CS:GO you are randomly logged on one of their accounts. That's a reason why i play always from different account.


All those accounts getting banned after i join GFL ZE server with reason "Alt account" and admin told me i rather should find that one acc which is allowed at GFL

And that's the issue. I have no idea which one is it plus i am not able choose between their accounts. I am always randomly logged on one. 


Now ill just guessing. I am not exactly sure, what start this wichhunt but i guess it was after i got restricted at one acc and relogged to another. Honestly, yes, it was on purpose and it was coz i wanted avoid the restriction.

I am very sorry for this, won't happend never ever.


I want continue play on GFL without problems, with my name cuz hiding under different names is not even fun.

GFL is great server with great admins and great community. I could play here without problems but i fucked up. I am sorry. 


I'm known as a troll in whole ZE  comunnity since 2009, but at GFL i (almost) always tried play as rules says. As a proof, i dont had any ban. Only few restrictions or gags.

I know i am not exemplary player, sometimes i broke rules (Trolling with items, Being racist) but as i said, it happened only exceptionally at GFL.


If you give me a chance and stop this wichhunt, I am able to play as the rules says and renounce all the wrongs things like a trolling with items. 

Here's my offer as i proof i think this seriously. 


All cybercaffe's accounts where i play will be unbanned with condition.

If i break the rules in next 6 months all accounts where i play will be permanently IP banned without the possibility of appeal.


In my opinion, it's very fair solution. 


Thanks for reading.

Best regards





Edited by Argento


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