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Posted  Edited by -SL

I'm good with the occasional spam of SMGs that are in the server currently.  But we have players that just use that as a means to eploit the RPG more than necessary.  It's extremely annoying to be bum rushed by a p90 while trying to use an awp or ak.  There isn't much effot involved with using a p90 and the server is already as newb friendly as possible.  I look at it like a troll weapon.  Currently there are people that literally just use it without any regard to the respect of the community just backstabbing you with 50 bullets and then running off when someone comes to counter it.  It lowers RPG way more than necessary.  This isn't a vote or a request to remove them I just wanted to see if anyone else agreed adn thinks that these players are just trolls.  If it were up to me I'd remove the ppl that do this, because as I've stated it's ok to do here and there.  But when all you do is run around map and flame ppl, you're a cunt.

Edited by -SL

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16 minutes ago, -SL said:

It is like it but just to make sure im clear that's not what I'm saying, removing the ppl that REALLY abuse it , yes.

so we remove people for having fun with smg?


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9 minutes ago, -SL said:

1 person fun should ruin countless of others, ya maybe

but won't banning be a bit too harsh?

is it against the rule for using what is in the game?

what if we just remove the guns and voila, problem temporarily solved until better solutions were found.


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For SMG and shotgun users we should use beacon. Thats enough of punishment ? And I agree with all that -SL said. If I pick up SMG, everyone goes RIP. Ak is more fun for me, queued with deagle. But if anyone kills me twice with bizon, I pick it up and disaster him, sometimes these guys just ragequit, which is funny as hell.

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Honestly all weapons could be use if people were aware they are not the primary weapons to be used.  But on certain occasion, hell yes.  Spam that auto sniper

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Posted  Edited by -SL

exactly.  would just require admins to make sure it's not over abused.  And by that i mean abuse the shit out of it and be like ok, you got it out your system. and also that whole thread about trial phasea. that's the point to try and see

Edited by -SL

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3 minutes ago, TheGoldenOne said:

Wouldnt be bad. At rtd, there was something with ice skaters. Walking on ice woulda be good aswell :D

replaced it with space wars. because sv_friction 0 just let people slide around with the old dice plugin.


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