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The Story of Enick

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Posted  Edited by EnickTheDemon

One day enick was on a plane and saw the guy beside him playing counter strike. He saw it showed zombie escape gfl. At the hotel he played his first match of zombie escape. He did bad. He trained better and soon had 300 hours. He got better and better. Than he applied for admin. He got denied. He made friends and that got to hoteverclear. With his weed vape and juul. And learned to jump Lasers. Extreme escapers was founded. Willy and Antiteal showed me the Antiteal laser server with aids and drugged mode. I practiced Cosmo and deadcore wirh knightjs and warped cakes. Warped cakes was the god of Cosmo you could never beat him. Except one day I trained and overcame and beat him 28 times in a row. Back to the story. Vauff and his adorable cats are cute. Garry and his corndog plays gfl and Then wilford comes by, Wilford asks Garry for a corndog Garry says no. Wilford then pushed Garry and slurped his corndog and sucked it all at once and swallowed it down his through(burp). Wilford comes and meets Bb_iu. Wilford makes different kinds of corndogs and is now obsessed. He steals bb_iu's canary and makes a corndog out of it. Elemental ,Ruo AND ONAHOLE make a pro laser team called TEAM HHeaven. They rip through tilex rtv lasers. Vauff is jealous of their talent and he trains. He trained for his goal to beat tilex. He did finger weight reps of 800 for each finger everyday. His left handed mouse and his left arm was buff. He had a gigantic left arm and a small right. He then trained on tilex rtv for 143 days straight. Till the once day he gets a wooden chair and Gets ready. With his wristband and his 2 turnekeys on his arms he start doing tilex lasers. He fails and fails on the only chance he has. On the last chance He almost is at the end. His cats were cheering. The cats then jump on him and behave bad. Luckily the cats make the right keymovements and vauff was on the last laser. He gets ready for the last and final one. The crouch or jump laser. His eye open wider then ever.  He awaits for the sound. His wrists ready. His left arm bulging out of the turnekey waiting for what's next. His mouth opens wide. His teeth clink together. The ears open wide. His fingers crossed. The adrenaline rushing through his body. The laser sound is heard. He next closes his eyes and jumped on the jump laser. Perfect timing. He see's CSGO.EXE HAS STOPPED WORKING. He never got his screenshot and in the process he broke his fingers and left arm. He later on moved on to The different map. Ze_holdem... He couldn't do his routine for a few months.

Edited by EnickTheDemon

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The vote that I give the applicant is not final, and is subject to change depending on whether the applicant displays improvements or not.




Vote:   -1

Feedback: I've put quite some thought into this vote, and I'm going to have to -1 you. You are quite active on the discord, you do communicate with members of the admin team quite often, and you're also a pretty chill person. I don't really have anything against you (Okay maybe aesthetic pinging is kinda ResidentSleeper), but it's hard for me to see you as an admin. I'm not going to go into some analysis as to why my vote is the way it is, like I used to. I appreciate and applaud the fact that you have tried to improve yourself since your last application, but I guess I just don't get that admin vibe off of you. I hope that you understand, and I hope that you continue to help the admin team with punishing those who think that they can get away with whatever they want on the server.

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