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Banned for ghosting?

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Posted  Edited by Fire - Edit Reason: accidentally hit enter while unfinished

Name: XFN Fire

Steam ID: _i_am_bad

Banned by: I have no idea.

Ban reason: ghosting 

Why you should be unbanned: I was playing ttt tonight and after my third round my screen went black. I decided to restart my game and join back and it said I was banned for ghosting. I dont know why or how I was banned.

Edited by Fire
accidentally hit enter while unfinished

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Sorry, accidentally hit enter. 

Name: XFN Fire

Steam ID: _i_am_bad

Banned by: I have no idea.

Ban reason: ghosting 

Why you should be unbanned: I was playing ttt tonight and after my third round my screen went black. I decided to restart my game and join back and it said I was banned for ghosting. I dont know why or how I was banned.

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Posted  Edited by BeanSparrow2206

if you really weren't then you were rdming. you and your other friend XFN Instinx . You 2 are friends on steam. You were t. Your friend killed a t for no reason. His response was ''he was a terrorist'' If you have proof you weren't ghosting ill gladly unban u. Ill look again at logs n confirm my verdict n make sure I didn't fuck up

Edited by BeanSparrow2206



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