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Screenshots RPG

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Posted  Edited by -SL

We don't have this thread in here, and I don't know if other subforums have it.  But if you want to share a photo of anything relating to surf RPG you can post it here.

Found this photo in my screenshots, is a bit older but this is usually what it bottles down to when trying to get points quick.  In some way you end up camping portals, whether from far away or right in their face.

Edited by -SL

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father

pic taken after the christmas of 2 years ago...




how many names can you recognize?


I will post more if requested.

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9 minutes ago, Parkermeister said:


This was the last reset when it was slow to rank up and for one day it was easy to rank up so everyone was grinding out on the server

which one? do we have to scroll through art works then to games?


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10 minutes ago, Parkermeister said:

Damn son, that's quite recent as months ago....


I have some more ss from 2 yrs ago from the server, request them if you want to try to recognize who was who.


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  • 1 month later...
Posted  Edited by Mad_Father

Actual screenshot of me (in the process of ) making the map for the server.

screen shot from last sunday.

2016-09-25 (2).png

Edited by Mad_Father


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