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GucciSwang's Surf Timer Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): GucciWang

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058248347/


Admin that banned you: FrenZy

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Ban


Why should you be unbanned?

Logged on today after not been playing for a couple hours and was banned. I checked the SourceBans and noticed that I was banned for exploiting. Not sure exactly where this ban came from, or what I did wrong. I have played on this server for the past few weeks but just get banned out of the blue for a week without any sort of heads up? I usually play with voice disabled, but tend to read chat if for some reason someone has something to say to me. Yesterday I did nothing different on surf then what I usually do. Played peacefully for a couple hours minding my own business, and was banned for a whole week hours later. If you can't unban me, at least shed some light on what I did wrong, so whatever it is, I don't do it again and get banned for another week.

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Hi. You were banned because of what you did at the start of surf_utopia_njv. You're supposed to start the map normally, not through telehopping as I confirmed with your bot replay. 

Refer to the rule below. 


Are you trying to argue that you didn't do this knowingly? Because you were the only person who figured out a way to use that glitch, and something we could not even replicate. 


Former CS:GO Surf Timer Manager. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former CS:GO Division Leader. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former GFL Director of Divisions. (July 2020-October 2021)

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I was using the telehopping knowingly, however didn't realize that version of the map was intended to absolve people from using it. I had no intentions of scewing record times or anything like that. I just happened to find a spot that worked for telehopping, and used it just as you would have for the original map. The telehopping felt less like it was completely removed, and more like it was just a bit glitchy. I had found multiple spots and had felt like it was okay to use them. I apologize for abusing the exploit unintentionally; I will make sure to be more careful next time. Thanks for providing reasoning behind my ban.

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I'll go ahead and unban you because of the circumstances and I believe it was an easy mistake to make, but just think twice next time you come across something like this. It's now been fully patched, so it should no longer be possible. 

Former CS:GO Surf Timer Manager. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former CS:GO Division Leader. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former GFL Director of Divisions. (July 2020-October 2021)

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