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ratface8008's CSGO Zombie Escape Mute/Ban Appeal

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Steam Name(s): JayceTheRat

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:8993792


Admin that banned you: Death Note

What kind of punishment was it (mute/gag, server ban): Mute


Why should you be unbanned?

The mute ban has already expired, this is more of a complaint/report of admin abuse as apposed to an appeal. I should never have been muted in the first place. I got muted because I was telling zombies that there was a path that they could use to get through to the boss room on the bottom of the observation zone for the zombies, and the admin didn't like me helping the zombies even though I was one. Said I was talking over the leader, who at the time was not even a human. The "leader" was a zombie. Not only that, they were "leading" constantly so it would be impossible to not talk over them. Calling people 'fucking idiots' for using the human powers at wrong times or just generally screaming at people 24/7 is not leading. BUT EVEN IF IT IS, talking over them should be attributed to idle, meaningless chat that has nothing to do with the game at hand. Like if I was casually talking about how much I like mcdonalds or something. I wasn't. I was actively letting the zombies know that there was a way they could push through to the humans in the boss room. Which apparently people didn't like, responding with stuff like "DON'T TELL THEM" etc. etc. I feel like the admin muting me then, without warning, was an abuse of their powers used solely for the purpose of their own benefit. (Making it easier for the humans to beat the boss because they wouldn't have to deal with as much zombies trying to push through.) If it's against the rules somewhere that you are not supposed to lead zombies, then I suppose that's on me. Seems like that would be a ridiculously silly rule though, and I wasn't aware of anything of the sort.

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Posted  Edited by DeathNote

I mentioned in the red chat many time that no one should talk over leader as kakarot was leading the map so hard. You kept talking over leader and trying to help the zombies. Despite the fact the kakarot was actually a zombie, he was leading the humans with no misleading, which is ok since he got knifed and kept wanting to lead. 

Edited by DeathNote

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