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epic Sonicsnake suggestion (939 suggestion of a gimmic)

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So i was playing breach like a month ago and an idea pooped out of my head, i forgoted it then remembered again and now im here, suggesting it


The idea is pretty simple


When 939 kills someone 939 procced to have the voice on the lore, right ?


So my idea is that when 939 kills someone he changes pm and name to that person (like 378) with that he disguises as the person he just eated to death


so pretty much, when you kill someone as 939 you get his playermodel and roles Example:


You eated a researcher so now you have his playermodel and to others you will be a researcher (neutral to d class friendly to ntf and hostile to ci, etc) 


this haves in mind to make 939 a bit better making using sneak to get kills more rewarding as it will make no one know that you are 939 just because you just killed them and they respawned telling all the server, what would happen if my suggestion was implemented is that in the time he respawns and tells everyone you may already killed someone making them use their brain and discover who is the 939 among them (among us reference goes here)


well thats all Sonicsnake out i guess


epic = )


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