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ChickenChunk Unban

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Punished by:


Reason for the punishment:

MassRDM as spy

Why should your punishment be revoked?

I killed 3 people during my spy round and got banned for a week. I'm not gonna try and bs anything I did do it on purpose but prior I noticed you don't lose karma as spy for killing a traitor or innocent so I thought this was a mechanic to help them blend in as a traitor and then basically I went mad with power, I tried to pull it off as I thought I was a normal traitor as I feel like the other explanation wouldn't make sense or work but I probably should have explained it this way. Prior to this I got in trouble for killing someone when I was a detective turned jackal and just mashed my keyboard because of how frustrating the rdm system can be sometimes but I also did proppush someone off the roof out of boredom so ill admit to that but my warns in general were high for illegitimate reasons and when I tried to explain myself nothing was done about it. In the future I will properly respond to reports even when they are B.S and leave my propkills for when I am an evil role. I realize now that you can't kill innocents as spy and I was just looking into the game mechanics too closely. I'm not sure if its intentional or a bug but I would like to apologize to Blazing bc I lost him his Jackal round and Jackal is pretty fun to play. This is basically the only server I play so I would very much appreciate a reduction or unban. I won't negatively impact the community by pushing the boundaries again. Thank you for reading my appeal.

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32 minutes ago, ChickenChunk said:

Prior to this I got in trouble for killing someone when I was a detective turned jackal and just mashed my keyboard because of how frustrating the rdm system can be sometimes but I also did proppush someone off the roof out of boredom so ill admit to that but my warns in general were high for illegitimate reasons and when I tried to explain myself nothing was done about it.

I'll address this part first, the deathscene would have updated if you had prop-pushed someone off the edge after you were turned jackal, he logs may not update roles but the deathscene does (I tested it with amne before, as well as infected). It showed you as an innocent/detective when you did the prop push (I don't remember which you were, but it was not a killing role). 

As for the rest, I know you've seen people get warned for rdming as the Spy (it had happened prior to your ban while you were on), and your explanations, as said, were lackluster.

Made by @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by ChickenChunk
1 hour ago, Arson With The Numbers said:

I'll address this part first, the deathscene would have updated if you had prop-pushed someone off the edge after you were turned jackal, he logs may not update roles but the deathscene does (I tested it with amne before, as well as infected). It showed you as an innocent/detective when you did the prop push (I don't remember which you were, but it was not a killing role). 

As for the rest, I know you've seen people get warned for rdming as the Spy (it had happened prior to your ban while you were on), and your explanations, as said, were lackluster.

I actually havent seen people get warned for rdming as spy, as in directly killing innocents. I know the explanation isn't the best but why would spy not lose karma for killing innocents

Edit: When you see someone get warned it just says why, I never look deeply into what they did like I barely pay attention to their role as it could have been rounds ago etc and doesnt affect me. Its always general too like rdm or propkill or micspam

Edited by ChickenChunk

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Posted  Edited by Arson With The Numbers

Even if we disregard whether or not you knew it was bad to kill innocents as a Spy, you have a history of being a troll on the server and I have had to warn you a few times. That makes me hesitant to unban you.
Normally I wouldnt bring your previous history into account, but watching how you behave on the server makes me doubt what you say

Edited by Arson With The Numbers

Made by @Clavers

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1 hour ago, Arson With The Numbers said:

Even if we disregard whether or not you knew it was bad to kill innocents as a Spy, you have a history of being a troll on the server and I have had to warn you a few times. That makes me hesitant to unban you.
Normally I wouldnt bring your previous history into account, but watching how you behave on the server makes me doubt what you say


Considering how much I play I wouldn't consider myself a troll gameplay wise. I will troll by killing jester whenever I can and say misleading things in chat but that isn't listed anywhere in the motd.

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Just now, ChickenChunk said:

Considering how much I play I wouldn't consider myself a troll gameplay wise. I will troll by killing jester whenever I can and say misleading things in chat but that isn't listed anywhere in the motd.

Never said it wsa against the rules to harmlessly troll, just that you act as a troll a lot of the time which makes me not believe what you said

However, since it *is* possible that you may have not known (if unlikely), I will unban you, just dont do it again cause I will probably not un ban again 


Made by @Clavers

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1 hour ago, Arson With The Numbers said:

Never said it wsa against the rules to harmlessly troll, just that you act as a troll a lot of the time which makes me not believe what you said

However, since it *is* possible that you may have not known (if unlikely), I will unban you, just dont do it again cause I will probably not un ban again 


Thank you, it won't happen again

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