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Role Idea: Mad Scientist/Abductor and Space Dragon

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Mad Scientist

Team: Mad Scientist

Type: Neutral Evil/Neutral Special

(Based on the Abductor from Spacestation 13)


An evil role. They win by preforming experiments on players a certain amount of times(Not sure what a good amount would be). They start with a Freeze Gun and a Special Shop. Inside the Shop are several organs that apply various buffs or debuffs when successfully experimenting on a player with them. Several of the organs are free, while others require credits to purchase. Successfully experimenting on a player with an Organ grants a credit. Each paid Organ can only be bought once, while the free ones can be bought twice(If possible to set-up that way that is) (If its not possible to make the Mad Scientist gain Credits by inserting organs, then having all organs be free with an one organ limit each would be good).  The Mad Scientist cannot get credits from bodies. It takes 6 seconds to implant an Organ into someone, during which time if the Victim moves progress is reset. The Mad Scientist also has a 50% damage penalty. 


Ideas for Various Organ Effects(Note, the vast majority should be either neutral or beneficial to the victim of the Mad Scientist in some way):

  • Healing Organ: Causes the person to passively regenerate health over time(Free)
  • Word Scrambler Organ: Causes the person to be unable to type in chat. (Costs 2 Credits)
  • Smokey Gland: Occasionally causes the person to emit smoke similar to a Smoke Grenade(Costs 1 Credit)
  • Speed Gland: The person gains 1.2x movement speed(same movement speed boost Beacon gets baseline/at one body). (Free)
  • Muscle Organ: Person gains increased jump height.(Costs 2 Credit)
  • *Insert name here* : Explosive damage resistance(Free)
  • *Also Insert name here* Bullet resistance(Free)
  • *insert name here* Fire resistance.(Costs 2 Credit)
  • Space Dragon Heart: Transforms the victim into the Space Dragon role after a minute.(see below). (Based on the Species Gland organ the Abductor gets in Spacestation 13) (Free)


The Idea is that Organs that help the Mad Scientist's Victim(Or cause potential chaos that can go either way) are free, but the ones that are on the weaker side or provide no real benefit are paid, forcing the Mad Scientist to use the 'helpful' organs first.


Players shot with the Freeze gun are unable to look around, move, or talk for 8 seconds(giving just enough time for the Mad Scientist to operate on them and attempt to flee undetected afterwards). Players can only be experimented upon once. 


Space Dragon(Or some other more fitting name IDK)
Team: Space Dragon
Type: Neutral Evil
(Based on the Space Dragon from Spacestation 13)


An evil role. Can only spawn by someone being implanted with a Space Dragon heart from the Mad Scientist. Despite this, the Space Dragon is hostile to everyone including the Mad Scientist. The Space Dragon has an unique model(similar to the Zombie Infected spawned by the Infected), and is able to passively fly. They have 200 health instead of the standard 100 health. They have access to a Fireball Swep that deals a lot of AOE damage, and a melee weapon that deals 50 damage per hit at a slower swing speed than the crowbar. The Space Dragon cannot pick up any weapons, similar to the Infected Zombies. All players get an announcement when a Space Dragon spawns.


Additionally, the Space Dragon has access to a Riftmaker. A Riftmaker creates a rift(not sure what model to use for it, tbh) that respawns a random dead player every 30 seconds as a Space Carp. Space Carp have 50 health and deal 25 damage with a melee weapon, and cannot pick up any other weapons. The Riftmaker starts with one use, and recharges every minute. The spawned Rifts can be destroyed like the Pharaoh's Ankh, preventing additional Carp from spawning. 


Basically a big crazy Frankenstein's Monster that is let loose by the Mad Scientist's Reckless experimenting. Creating one can be both good and bad for the Mad Scientist, as its AOE attacks tend to encourage players to split up allowing the Mad Scientist to more easily ambush a lone player, but the Mad Scientist in return will struggle to defend themselves from the Space Dragon. Of course, due to the nature of how a Space Dragon comes out, the Mad Scientist might find himself among the first to be under its wrath.


Model for Carp: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718476183 (Floating Fish much like the Space Carp from Space station 13(Plus a variant of the Space Carp were literally called "Magic Carp").


Model for Dragon: One of the following:
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2321398560 Fits the best with the Carp Model, could look weird flying.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1082411610  Looks more like a traditional dragon, would likely look less weird flying, doesnt fit as well with the Carp model.

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On 1/6/2021 at 10:17 PM, PrinceSoySauce said:

Instead of the freeze gun possibly the tranq gun from the serial killer's arsenal? It would knock the person unconscious and rather than implementing a brand new item it could just be copied from sk shop to mad scientist shop? 


Main issue with the Tranq gun is that the person who is ragdolled can still see around them and see names, which would instantly give away who the Mad Scientist is.

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