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IK this has been suggested other times but wrath really needs some other ability. It's incredibly rare to see it get activated, it shows you as wrath in tab when your body is ided and because of the long respawn timer your body will always get ided

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to be fair, the whole point of wrath is that's it's basically not even a role, it's just supposed to be an X% chance that getting RDMed might be good for you. I've had about 2 or 3 rounds where i was wrath and me dieing made traitors win the round so i feel like it's doing it's job well. If you wanted to make wrath more relevant i would actually change the following


 ttt_wrath_random = 50

ttt_wrath_max = 2


The following would make it much more likely for their to be a wrath in the game and give the ability for their to possibly be 2, making wrath's existence much more prevalent


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