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General Ban Appeal

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Which platform(s) are you appealing?: Discord

Discord/TS3 username (Add your tag and ID if possible):



Why were you banned?: toxicity and telling a director to suck a dick


Why should you be unbanned?

I apologize. I'm honestly too lazy to write an entire page worth of apologies but I sincerely mean it, as I have always meant it. I don't recall exactly why I was banned, because I was never told as to why, but anyone with a two-digit IQ and the ability to reason would have guessed that it's because of my increased toxicity and usual misbehavior, can I be unbanned now? It's okay if I'm not unbanned, I do not intend to use discord unless I want to communicate with someone that I play with, I have lots to do and just wish to play on gfl servers here and there. It's been a year or so since my discord ban...If you plan on denying my application, don't write a 2 page long 'you did this and that' because I won't read it. I just want to use the GFL discord for reasons other than just being a dick, so talking about irrelevant past behavior would just come right out of my left ear. Thank you, dear staff.


ps I have to mention that I did join using an alt once but caused no harm whatsoever and even told staff that it's me. I got banned eventually so I don't know how that would impact this appeal but if it means it's an insta-denial then sorry and have a nice day/week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's no secret that you have a history of "turning a new leaf" and then slowly delving into toxicity again. It's not a one-off thing; you have a documented cycle of doing this. I'm inclined to believe that won't change.


I won't take a photo—I'll tell it through words.

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16 minutes ago, Shuruia said:

It's no secret that you have a history of "turning a new leaf" and then slowly delving into toxicity again. It's not a one-off thing; you have a documented cycle of doing this. I'm inclined to believe that won't change.

I agree, you are completely right. But that was in the past and I can assure you that if I start to appear to be "turning a new leaf", you can just go ahead and ban me. I apologize for past incidents, it was immature. I have no clue how I could possibly prove that I have changed, but you can rest certain that it would not be the case again. This is the most I can convey through words, my behaviour is no longer the same.

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I'm not sure if I can believe you based on what you said, as Shuruia said, I don't think that'll change anything. I feel like that you've had too many chances. 





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Posted  Edited by Syntax
19 hours ago, Ben said:

I'm not sure if I can believe you based on what you said, as Shuruia said, I don't think that'll change anything. I feel like that you've had too many chances. 

I respect any decision you make, really, if you think I am not fit to be unbanned, then that is totally fine. As stated above, I do not know how to prove that I will not be breaking any rules as I used to do, but at the very least consider the fact that this is my first ban and it occurred a couple years ago. Whether this is enough to get me unbanned or not, is totally up to you at this point because I have been inactive for a long time and understand the implications of whether to trust me or not. 

Addendum: I think I owe you guys an explanation, maybe this will clear things out.

I understand things were different back when I was still around, but for sake of simplicity, it felt like an unfair environment. Everytime you would speak, some moderator had to interefere. Perhaps this was due to the fact that things were changing and there was a need for more moderation, but it just felt unfair.

Now, does that mean that banning me was the wrong decision? No. I displayed a constant stream of toxicity hidden under the context of playfulness, and that would totally justify the ban. However, what triggered the ban was really unfair (I think I was banned either by motorsteak or a past director, iirc), and it was for telling them to go away, and to go suck a dick. When asked to provide counts of toxicity, some minor infringements were attached, but most justifications, in my honest opinion, were not justifications at all.

I think I should have been banned from the forums rather than the discord itself due to how I behaved after the issuing of the ban, because it was a total mess, I apologize for that as well. (lots of apologies to be made, lol)

Edited by Syntax

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