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Disable Friendly Fire for Pirate and Bodyguard

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I see a common trend on the server of certain roles killing their Bodyguard / Pirate teammates. For example, I see that when playing as the Ravenous, people tend to kill their own Bodyguard / Pirate teammate. I believe that this could be fixed by making it where the Bodyguard nor the target of the Bodyguard can directly damage each other, and the holder of the Pirate Contract cannot directly damage Pirates and vice versa.  Anyone else on the team of the Contract holder / target of the Bodyguard would be able to damage them, so it's still fair game. This would be a nice QOL adjustment, but this may be abused and taken advantage of gameplay-wise, but I do believe that adding this in would still be beneficial. If needed, a compromise to this would be this only applies to certain roles such as the Infected and Ravenous.

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I think only infected/ravenous would need this, as said in your last sentence. I don't think it'd be too hard to do, just steal some code from marker maybe? unsure tbh, haven't looked at marker code.

Made by @Clavers

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