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A Few More Items In Shops

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Posted  Edited by The1337Gh0st - Edit Reason: fix for uwu filter (maybe?)

Here's some ideas for more shop items:


Serial Killer:

TTT Explosive Corpse:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=922459145 Drops an unidentified body that when someone tries to identify it, the body explodes and kills everyone around it. Costs 1 credit.


TTT Boomeranghttps://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639521512  Throws a boomerang that bounces back to you after throwing it if you hit a wall. Can ricochet to nearby players, but it may not return to you depending on how you throw it. Costs 1 credit.


Randy Rando:
A Second Chance:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=672173225 Passive item that gives you a chance to revive after dying. You can choose to spawn at your death location or a random spawn location, but you have a limited amount of time to choose to respawn. Killing others increases the chance to revive, but killing teammates decreases this chance. Costs 1 credit, but I believe it should be changed to be 3 credits.


Probably wasn't the best idea to post this on today due to the UWU filter, but hopefully you can understand this.


Edited by The1337Gh0st
fix for uwu filter (maybe?)

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Boomerang feels a bit too high on the "Super strong instant kill swep' section, and I always personally found its model kinda ugly. I want the Sk shop to be strong and have fun gimmicky stuff, but the boomerang falls a bit too far into the "Hyper practical instant kill weapon."


I like the Explosive Corpse Though(at this point might as werll call the Serial Killer the Demolistionish with all of their explosive stuff). 


Second Chance is very fitting for Rando, but theres one problem. RNG chance to respawn is just kinda weird, but at 3 credits with its requirement it would be really awful to ever actually get to happen in a game. 

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On 4/3/2021 at 11:53 PM, Cpt.Haxray said:


pretty much agree entirely, i like the explosive corpse weapon, but boomerang seems a bit much even for SK, and second chance would be difficult balance for randy imo


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