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Anathema Device

Impostor Tweak?

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Posted  Edited by Morganlefaye69

Can we make the lights task blink for a slightly shorter amount of time? When we were on low pop one impostor destroyed 6 innos because we just straight up basically just couldn't see or find the task. It seemed like we could see less than we couldn't see, I understand that's a good vibe for the task, it was painful in practice.


It was OP as HELL. The innos basically could move for like 2 seconds and had to  stand still for like 5


Ty for your consideration

Edited by Morganlefaye69

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I agree, the lights are far far too obnoxious now. Not only is it annoying to pay with, but it also really messes with my eyes and causes me to have a headache, idk if anyone else gets that kinda thing. It needs to happen a little less and for a shorter duration. It isn't at all fun.

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