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Dopple Inno Join brotherhood

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Since with doppleganger the reason to dopple someone is to a. gain their role abilities and b. you can kill them for a teammate, but if you dopple inno you dont get anything special (other than a potential ally) i feel like a dopple inno should be able to join the brotherhood because they are technically inno (and then doppling inno wont be completely trash) and can get a confirm that way.

professional necromancer

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Posted  Edited by Blastoise - Edit Reason: Edit to clarify how Jackal would affect this

I kind of like this idea. I feel like every role should have a potential counterpart to it. Since Dopple isn't a guaranteed role each round, there should be something small like this to make it a little bit better, considering your odds of stealing the role of a base inno is pretty high. It does add some uncertainty to the priest role, which if played well can lead to very fast inno wins, especially if you have a mimic who can play priest as well. I feel like this would balance that a bit. 


Jackal would still take the brotherhood dopple as a sidekick when deagling the priest, potentially stealing the team mate back from the original Dopple. If both Dopples are in the brotherhood and priest gets jackaled, then they simply both become sidekicks.

Edited by Blastoise
Edit to clarify how Jackal would affect this


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Honestly i kinda figured this was how it worked already, but i guess priest works by checking team affiliation and not role? 


Would require a lot of changes to priest role to get this working but i would be fine with this completely. 

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