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ReLard's General Mute/Ban Appeal

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Which platform(s) are you appealing?: uhh idk I guess like CWRP discord or something

Discord/TS3 username (Add your tag and ID if possible):

Willie Boy#7687


Why were you banned?: For supposed transphobic comments I think


Why should you be unbanned?

I think I should be unbanned because what I said wasn't that bad and was also put in the politics channel which is already a controversial place. I have not said or done anything that is deservable of a ban. I made no offensive comments it was just me stating my opinion. Neither did I single anyone out and most of my claims were open ended in the vc anyway. My ban was unjustified in my opinion and should be repealed. I would also like to apologize to liloz if I came off as disrespectful in anyway I was just stating my opinion. I was also not in the greatest mood and was just putting wood on the fire. Please accept my apology liloz and unban pwease.



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you defended ezra's transphobic meme, multiple times, even after being warned by mods to calm the transphobia - you then just went ahead and dropped the t slur in a sentence proclaiming that trans people can just choose to not be trans and experience gender dysphoria


to claim you didn't say anything offensive, and didn't single anyone out (...despite saying the t slur, saying one of the most damaging things (imo) you can about trans people - "just decide to be otherwise"... as if that's an option, defending ezra's meme and singling me out thinking that i was trans) in this appeal is laughable - especially so given you were a staff member and and the context (this is far worse due to all the prior transphobic statements... including the one by ezra that lead to their ban)


imo ban is justified, don't advocate an unban right now, fine with an unban in future tho if there's understanding and growth from ur side... 

Contact me here or on Discord @Liloz01#9857

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Posted  Edited by Joshy



I just got online.  I want to acknowledge I’ve seen the appeal.  I’m not ignoring it.  I need to have a good look at this before making an opinion or decision on this, or try to determine best next steps.  I don’t expect it to take long for me to give you an update soon probably by tomorrow or the day after (hopefully sooner).


Relevant discord mods and seniors are also able to respond to the appeal and we have a good relationship wit the manager if they’d like to drop in an opinion or some goals.

Edited by Joshy


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Hello I gave multiple chances for you to stop, you proceeded to continue with liloz. For a gamemaster this behaviour is unacceptable. I think you should appeal again in about 1 or 2 weeks for defending ezras meme and this is me being nice. 

Former CWRP Admin -  / Currently CWRP - Main - Gmod - Rust Discord Mod


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Okay, to update you...


It looks like the baseline plan is that you have a permanent ban.  That being said: We're open to future appeals at least 30 days from the beginning of your ban, and so you can appeal this ban beginning on the 23rd September.  We can consider this as a cooldown period for everyone involved and hopefully we can come to happier decision later.  I wont make promises about the outcome of your next appeal, but I will suggest that good behaviour in other areas of the community such as the forum will likely help your next appeal should you be interested in that.


What had happened is that someone else posted a severely concerning image that was not appropriate at all and warranted another persons ban.  I acknowledge you didn't post the image yourself (which is why I am interested in making this appealable instead of simply telling you it's definitely permanent), but you began interfering with the admin facilitating their ban and as a staff member yourself you aggravated the situation a lot more than a regular member could have; furthermore: You crossed the line by using a slur, and making very insulting and incorrect statements.  You crossed the line.  I don't think anyone disagrees with that.  Just in case you forgot the context...




Being in a controversial channel is not a free ticket to say anything and everything.  Lets say a person joins the channel and has an "opinion" that they are not very fond of a certain race and maybe even thinks that race is mostly is mostly criminals for biological reasons.  That's their "opinion".  Do you think it would be okay for them to make racist comments aligning with their "opinion"?  I don't think so.  It's their "opinion" and it's the politics channel where controversial discussions take place, but they would still get in trouble.  Replace everything I just said about race with transgender, and welcome yourself to the 21st century.  That's why you got in trouble too.  You might not like it and you may not consider your comments as severe, but it's not your place to decide whether or not it's okay (heck it's not even my place to decide on that too); your position as staff and interfering with another staff members assistance worsened the situation and even resulted in the #politics channel no longer being available.  That's pretty bad.


Another issue is that the picture you were so strongly defending was related to suicide, and gosh I've seen too many communities where the "joke" goes too far and it costs someone their life.  It's very serious and not worth the risk.  We've had a few scary moments here before and I do think it would amaze some people how far something "wasn't that bad" can go, and people only think about it when it's too late.  I wont nitpick on every little thing, but some little things are a lot bigger than they appear, and this is one of those cases.


As for the length of your ban I'm sure everyone is very quick to point to the rules posted, but it's odd because they are pointing to the "in case" part.  It's clear from the rules that the "in case" part is guidelines and it's mostly considering the more typical situation.  New member joining the community and may have not read the rules very well before saying a few bad things...  Sure: Apply the template guidelines and give them an opportunity to learn and thrive here after lessons learned.  Unconscious slip-up from a long time member?  Darn, but no problem: Warn.  Do you think template guidelines should apply to someone who is in staff; a person who should be very familiar with the rules and can have a larger impact on the community?  We'll try our best and it's what I prefer to do [I personally prefer the most lenient option available], but it's clearly situational and your case was not the typical one.  You made a conscious decision to break the rules and there were plenty of signs that you were going the wrong direction; you also made it clear that you were aware of that, but in your own words: you didn't care.  The template isn't a good fit for you for that reason.




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