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Neon Cat

Return of the Vampire

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Posted  Edited by Neon Cat

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The vampire is a traitor role which has a bloodlust meter. Upon the meter filling, the vampire enters the bloodlust state. In the bloodlust state they take constant damage, but also regenerate 50% of the damage they deal. When the vampire kills a player, their bloodlust meter will empty and they will leave the bloodlust state. Another main ability of the vampire is they can turn into a bat. When they transform into a bat, their playermodel changes into the model of a bat, they start flying very fast, and are very hard to hit. They also instantly go into bloodlust mode after transforming. They cannot use weapons while transformed.
Why it is not used:
Ok, so thats basically what the vampire does. Now, we had this role in the server before, but it was removed. This is because with all the abilities it had, it was incredibly overpowered. It could instantly go into bloodlust by transforming, then kill a player to gain some health, which it could heal up to 250 with. It could easily move across the map quickly and without being shot by transforming into a bat, which was also very OP. Also, there was no key binded by default to transform which made it hard for new players to play it. The bat also had no animation and made annoying pigeon sounds, which is not ideal for a TTT2 role.
Proposed changes:
So since the vampire is very overpowered, an obvious fix would be to just heavily nerf it. I believe this is not the way to go, because nerfing it would make it easy to be KOSed and quickly killed due to it using it's abilities. Also nerfing it would just make it not as fun to play. So a change I think would make it a lot more balanced would be moving it to its own neutral evil team. This would make it so it has no teammates, and the traitors will also be fighting against the vampire. I would also make it so the vampire goes into bloodlust faster while in bat mode, but not instantly. This would make it harder to heal therefore making it slightly more challenging. Another thing, clearly, would be to set a default key to be bound to vampire transformation. This would make it so players newer to TTT2 can have the same advantage as the older players who have a key bound do. Another change would be adding animations and bat sounds to the bat, just to make it cleaner and not seem as if it was just sloppily thrown together to make a role.
As I said, we already had this role before. It was very fun to play as, just more on the overpowered side. If someone is willing to code these changes in, I believe it would make the bat a lot more fun to play against, and more challenging to play as. Hopefully you enjoyed this suggestion, thank you for reading!
Additional edits/ideas:

  • Make a 10 second cooldown after leaving the bat mode before you can transform again
Edited by Neon Cat


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13 minutes ago, Neon Cat said:

I am planning to stop being lazy and become a dev soon, I want to learn how to both code roles and make maps

same but too lazy

professional necromancer

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