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Posted  Edited by DrippyDogNuts

I just thought of this and I’m not exactly good at coming up with roles so feel free to explain why this is the worst suggestion to ever grace the thread.

     Lazarus would be a rare role like hidden, and a solo evil role likewise. Laz would start with a revive thingie, they only get one but the person they revive begins with one as well. So, like Jackals, they’ll form a chain, but the main does not have to die for the next to use their revive.
     Killing the main would wipe out the whole chain, or if a revived dies, the person they revived and so-on will perish. Those revived could have reduced health if necessary or maybe you could make it so only those killed by Lazarus and company could be revived. The revived players would be called “The Saved” or “The Woken” or something along those lines.

     I like this role because reviving people is dope and being revived is awesome, this way you get to do both in one round. Being revived by the mesmerist is pretty much orgasmic so getting revived by Lazarus or his homies will feel just as good if not better.


Edited by DrippyDogNuts


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definitely not a bad idea, I would say that every time someone is revived, the rest of the lazarus' should gain like 50-100 health, but maybe make the lazarus slowly gain a damage reduction over time (and start at like 1.5x damage) so that the older lazarus's should go and hide or try to be protected by the newer ones, rather than using their increased health to win at combat. one other thing I would say is that after someone in the lazarus chain dies, the now youngest lazarus should have like a 30-45 second cooldown before getting a new defib to continue the chain.


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1 hour ago, Neon Cat said:

definitely not a bad idea, I would say that every time someone is revived, the rest of the lazarus' should gain like 50-100 health, but maybe make the lazarus slowly gain a damage reduction over time (and start at like 1.5x damage) so that the older lazarus's should go and hide or try to be protected by the newer ones, rather than using their increased health to win at combat. one other thing I would say is that after someone in the lazarus chain dies, the now youngest lazarus should have like a 30-45 second cooldown before getting a new defib to continue the chain.

great idea but likely wont be made cause it seems hard to make

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16 minutes ago, killer.foxyLP said:

would be too difficult 

btw i wanna ask you if u saw once defective's coding did you?

no I didn't look at defectives code, probably will have to at some point though


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