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potential shinigami tweak - music

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Posted  Edited by lobsterpaw

i think that part of the reason shinigami is so frustrating is that even if you're a T and are alerted that the shinigami is reviving, you don't necessarily know where it is. i think that giving the shinigami a music effect (like doom slayer) would be cool and make it more fun to play with. i don't know if this would necessarily be a nerf, a buff, or neither. it would allow traitors a lot more awareness of where the shinigami is, while also really grabbing their attention. i think some sort of metal song would be most appropriate but lots of music would do the job perfectly fine. 


edit: this is the song that should be used 


Edited by lobsterpaw


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7 hours ago, Jdot. said:

Doesn’t even do anything because the shini is still going to see you they walls

the point of it is to make traitors/evils more aware of where the shinigami is. if it plays music, you'll be able to tell if it's right behind you instead of on the other side of the map.


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