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RRE: Random Role Event

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Posted  Edited by dmitric419 - Edit Reason: Making more sense

Since no one can agree on what roles to add or remove but this will solve both. We have events for 24-12 hours on some days (like 5-2 every two months?) for changing roles out. Like remove and add some roles to the server for the time.


Like on some days, bulwark will be added and an imposter removed for 12 hours.


You can also have an event poll remove what roles to remove or add for the event for to have more people hoped up for the events.


Another thing we can do also is to add roles that never been added to the server before. Since we changing the game up we can add roles that never been added because of other reasons, Like for examble. Sherrif, Link, Mayor, Shanker.


So we can have some days where we will hold up events to remove roles and add some for 24-12 hours and hope it will help with what people like, what people don't like about the roles and how they are in one server. We also can add roles that never been added and see what people really think of them.

Edited by dmitric419
Making more sense

Just a gamer and helpful person.

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yeah lets do it, could also be used to test roles (more in a way of are they fun, rather than do they break the server)

as in like lets say theres a new role that needs to be tested, just mix it in with one of those events to test if its good.

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this seems pretty awesome, id love to do these. i just hope it wont become just another all night long event. as a guy who acually sleeps i do miss alot of those

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i've suggested something similar in the past but i think the time frame should maybe be closer to like, a week rather than 12/24 hours. that'd require an SM to get on every 12/24 hours consistently and people would just miss the chance to play certain roles because they're not online every single day


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