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Better shinigami

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The hp-drain is so fast, the shini is unable to do anything besides maybe killing who killed them, my suggestion is to give it a minor buff by giving the shini a HP boost when killing a T, or any of the marked roles it has.

doesnt really need to be a big boost to their HP, just enough to allow them to get around, like 10 HP

By the best

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Dear god no this role is a pain in the ass for the traitor roles it sucks if you get hunted by shinigami because u just happened to be a traitor this round and they got a HP BOOST AFTER KILLING ONE

i dont care if its 10 HP its still strong and most of the time takes 2 traitors down when it coudlve been a base inno just stay dead

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i think shimis is in a good place its hard to kill as a t because of its speed but not hard enough to completyly wipe the T team but i do think it would be intresting if it a hp bost when it killd somone who was a T

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