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Weed's Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by baba420 - Edit Reason: did not follow format

Name: Weed


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:89715909


Banned by: The Server


Ban reason: Karma 


Why you should be unbanned: 

There was a misunderstanding about a special round. It was the traitor vampire round and i thought karma was disabled. I am VIP and a regular player on this server. I am very sorry about this, please unban me. @Violator

Edited by baba420
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Yes, i was here for this,

i am pretty positive that like 4-6 others got pretty low karma from this.

everyone went wild on this srv round and or got their karma lowered pretty bad. Ive notice that some SRV rounds cause round glitches where the round fails to restart and no one can pick up weapons. This round was confusing and everyone seemed to be confused by it, it for sure wasnt just weed. Weed is a genuine player he doesnt just go mass. 


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