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Look at what's happening in Sweden?

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With US fail news stuck on Senate vote and the Syrian airstrike, I have to ask, WHAT DID HAPPEN IN SWEDEN?




Chalk up another 4 to the scorecard..... But hey at least people were right about it not being a Friday night.

We all start out as idealists only to slowly but surely become realists one day, the likes of which we'd never imagine we would become. Meanwhile we stare back at new idealists and see a reflection of what we once were.


Facing reality to get through life.


:cockatiel: I drink birds alive and whole while petting them :cockatiel:




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Sweden used to be the richest country in the world, but it got infected with socialism. They built a social care system, which slowed down their economy and attracted immigrants - not the consumer/producer type of immigrants, but the parasites that want social benefits. Then they lost control of the migration rate and voilà, now they have terrorists and shit.


Of course, no State should control their migration rate, but it also means they shouldn't encourage immigration.

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