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Age : 14

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:194597679

Play-time: 189.05



Admin sponsor:    , Mould SilverCrest , Paula Deen



Why do you want to become an admin?:    I want to be an Admin , because i think that players love me cuz i am very funny with my english accent  and i have a pretty good mic and i am on every day.To help the server become better . 


Extra information(how to contact you, times you are available etc)      :I am Connected every day at 15h CA till 22h CA .You can contact me on Steam and Forum and i am very actif on forums. And now ist Ramadan for muslim and i am gonna be on till 3hPM to 1hAM and also when no admin is on and there is a lot of ``NEW`` players and they go ct with no mic and they didnt readed the rules and the most of the time when some one have bad language i have to screen and stuff but if i am admin i am gonna warn him and if he continu i am gonna gag/mute him .



Why should we accept you?:          Because i am a good guy and as i can see i saw some admin leaving gfl so i think that can be a good idea if you can accept me . BUT , the good thing that i think i am gonna be the first French Admin on GflJailbreak   and that is gonna be super cool.And i am funny bud . And i never showed favoritism and i readed the rules like AT LEAST 5 times . And i am on every day on TS3 for question if i am admin. WHen i started Cs;Go first server i went was Gfl JailBreak and i learned new people kinda cool , And there is goods admins too .


Hmidou, thanks for reading my admin request .

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1 hour ago, Hmidou said:

Why do you want to become an admin?:    I want to be an Admin , because i think that players love me cuz i am very funny with my english accent  and i have a pretty good mic and i am on every day.To help the server become better . 

This is a rather vague reason for becoming an admin and doesn't show me that you know what it takes to be admin. I feel like you want it for previleges rather than the obligations it brings. I'm not sure if you're mature enough.

1 hour ago, Hmidou said:

And i never showed favoritism

You've shown favoritism several times but this is a minor thing taken in consideration of all the made-up rules you yell out when you get angry. You might be french and have accent, but if that's why you want admin then I'm not going to back it up.


Please answer these questions in order for me to maybe change my mind:

- What do you think you can  do for the server

- How can you become more mature

- How can you make sure, that even when you get angry you can keep control and stay calm.

- How can you get to know the admin team better

- Why do you want to be admin (don't copy from application, write something new)

Might add more


Thanks, @Hmidou


Good luck with the rest of your app but for now it's a  :thumbsdown: from me.



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- What do you think you can  do for the server : i think i can give you support like finding bugs on the servers , help new players , find idea for event for exemple. I can respond report on forum and help other people on forum cuz now i am very actif since i posted this applicaiton .

- How can you become more mature: i can become more mature if i start to calm down when i am triggered  and stop yelling on mic sometimes for nothing . Now on the sever since i knew what you said i started to be more serious not acting like a immature.

- How can you make sure, that even when you get angry you can keep control and stay calm. :Now since you warn me to stop doing bad things on my mic and etc like stop yelling in my mic i am gonna stay calm and just play the game .

- How can you get to know the admin team better : I am going to be online on forums every day and anyways i am always on TS3 with admins some times to chill and also in game while playing Jb.

- Why do you want to be admin : Because like i said i want to help the community to go up and give you support as much as i can .So the server become more peaceful and calm .Because now there is some admin inative in the sever and i play very late like 3pm to 23pm .

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Thank you for applying for CSGO Jailbreak and we thank you for your patience. Unfortunately at this time, your application has been denied. We urge you to continue playing and stay active! If in the future you would like to apply for admin about we ask you wait until you've improved in the following areas;

  • Communication with players
  • Create player reports to help admins when they are offline. It can also prove to us you are capable of making decisions and understanding when rules are being broken
  • Help new players learn the game and rules
  • Improve on maturity
  • Get to know the greater community (forums, ts, etc.)
  • Activity

Hmidou, you seem like a nice guy with good intentions but I don't feel like you have what it takes to become an administrator and fulfill its role. Above are some aspects in which you can improve.



Leks / Wiki-Leks


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