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The Most Expensive Piece of Bread

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Posted  Edited by Pxems

That's A lot of Dough:


     Made with champagne and 23-carat gold, the world's most expensive loaf costs a lot of dough. At a whopping £75 the royal bloomer has been made by Robert Didier at his Orchard Pigs bakery in Wrexham, North Wales. Robert uses only the finest ingredients in his luxurious recipe replacing some of the water used in traditional sourdough breads with champagne.

Edited by Pxems


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13 hours ago, AnimaVestra said:

That's A lot of Dough:


     Made with champagne and 23-carat gold, the world's most expensive loaf costs a lot of dough. At a whopping £75 the royal bloomer has been made by Robert Didier at his Orchard Pigs bakery in Wrexham, North Wales. Robert uses only the finest ingredients in his luxurious recipe replacing some of the water used in traditional sourdough breads with champagne.

That's just a normal lunch for me :lenny:

200.gif            Hello from all the animals~

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2 hours ago, The_Teddy_Bear_Muffin said:

That's just a normal lunch for me :lenny:

Same here that's just the usual meal for me. :lenny:



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