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Would I make a good admin(Please only ppl that know me)  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Me as admin?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Go away faggot nobody likes you

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Well ZS doesn't get as many players as it did before. So if you apply for admin, you wouldn't have much to do since the ZS server gets about 4 to 11 people on a good night and maybe about 17 on the weekends. There are already active admins like ten, Z1ga, and kurama, so I wouldn't apply for admin until the server population increases.







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Posted  Edited by Vivian

Pretty much what Kura* said. It's gotten to the point where we don't need as many admins until, or if even,  the server population booms for some unknown reason

Edited by Vivian

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Making a poll about if you'll make great admin or not isn't really a way to find your answer.  As long as you know the rules/punishments and have all the requirements to be an admin then don't be afraid to apply. And you should allow others that you don't know get an opinion on you. Getting feedback from others won't hurt. ;)

Average HL2RP Enjoyer.

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as kite said u just need to meet our standards to become a admin on our server but our server is dead as hell so no real point in applying tbh

Senior Admin on GFL Gmod ZS , Official Meme God of ZS, Squeaker Killer. Deathcore is life


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Don't know if Im supposed to be posting here but I guess I can since this isnt a REAL Admin APP, but Dark try to ask the admins in private on their opinion rather then the public. People can make you feel bad and totally give up your dream of being an admin this way by just saying," Oh I don't like this person Im gonna vote no"

.. Just my though but if you wanna hear what other people think that's all you. I hope you do accomplish your dream.

I am member on...










Interesting how I found this on SourceBans..









360 turn one deag. Thanks Valve.(New application for Faze.)



You know what they say, the more orange juice you drink, the less percent you are to become a zombie. -Baked 2017




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2 minutes ago, Baked said:

Don't know if Im supposed to be posting here but I guess I can since this isnt a REAL Admin APP, but Dark try to ask the admins in private on their opinion rather then the public. People can make you feel bad and totally give up your dream of being an admin this way by just saying," Oh I don't like this person Im gonna vote no"

.. Just my though but if you wanna hear what other people think that's all you. I hope you do accomplish your dream.

Ye, it's legal to post here don't worry, m8.


and I agreeeeee

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  • 2 months later...
Posted  Edited by sabbathizer

Ehhhh, if you wanna be admin just go ahead and apply.  Really it's not that hard, just get time on the server, converse with the admins, and be of age.  Simple tbh with you, but if you want admin just apply with the requirements.  Also befriend most of the admins and get to know them well.  It really helps trying to convice them to +1 you.  And most of the time, if your app is good and the admins like you, you will probably get some +1's.  Any more questions I'm not the best at answering, so I'll end it here.  Good luck.  PS: just believe in ur self.  should help.panhead.jpg.0de6f5eab75020e7133cab8806884a7e.jpg

Edited by sabbathizer

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