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More special Rounds

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Posted  Edited by Duc2000

I thought of my own special rounds:

Some men just want to watch the world burn:

All SCPs that spawn are SCP 457. They do not get points for killing people (because Some men aren't looking for anything logical; some men just want to watch the world burn) however, whether or not  the SCP lives or dies at the round's end, they will be awarded points because even if they die, chaos will win.

Beethoven's 10th Symphony:

All SCPs that spawn are SCP 066. An empty bar will be at the top. For every kill the SCPs get, the bar fills up a little because they are writing the Symphony. The amount of kills needed would be related to how many people there are. When the bar fills, the round ends.


All SCPs that spawn are SCP 1048-A (more could spawn, like 4 or 5). Only MTF will spawnA bar will be at the top. Half of it will be red, half will be blue. For every kill the SCPs get, more red will overtake the blue. If the MTF kill a SCP then the blue takes over the red a bit. If the bar gets full of red or blue, the round ends. This symbolizes the fight between admins and mic spammers who won't shut the fuck up. Either the mic spammers win, or the admins win. Yes, this sounds dumb but it is a suggestion.


All SCPs that spawn are SCP 682. Possibly add more good weapons (such as the ak and ammo for it) to the armory for this round. In addition, if this is at all possible anything 682 says will just come out as REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. And the special round description in chat could just be REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE as well.

D class Hunting season:

The only weapons the MTF get are sniper rifles (or awps) and shotguns. All SCPs that spawn are some kind of less powerful 682 (they are alligators); the D class are basically the Ducks. No researchers spawn this round.


All lights are out in the facility and, if possible all keycard doors and maybe even all doors would be open. The D class would be screwed unless the got flashlights.

Learning is fun! (SCP edition):

The roud is normal, escept MTF spawn with SCP 500 and the only SCP is 049. The MTF need to cure any and all zombies (or kill them), as a teacher makes the bad kids be good or punishs them. The MTF are also trying to find the source of the problem, and weed it out (049). If 049 and all his Zombies are killed/cured, the round ends instantly. The class Ds and the researchers are just side kids being good (MTF still need to kill the class Ds; they are kids who are getting in the way)

Some of the suggestions are a little far out there. I like them, though.


Edited by Duc2000

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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Yes haxray most of them were jokes but they are suggestions. You can take them with a grain of salt or like them. 

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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