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How much of our own players actually check this sub-forum for anything?

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: This may sound crazy to you guys because it is like 2AM in the morning and I feel like to post my concerns about the servers here not to mention that I am tired and may not be thinking straight.

I posted this because every time I post something only admins and server managers replied, not the players themselves.


I post most of the things here because the players on the server demanded those things and yet none of them actually supported or responded to any threads or at least participate on any threads.


So I began to wonder whether our players actually cares about the directions on where the server is going.


Edited by Mad_Father
This may sound crazy to you guys because it is like 2AM in the morning and I feel like to post my concerns about the servers here not to mention that I am tired and may not be thinking straight.


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Because players don't actually come on here because they think it's a waste of time. They rather apply for admin/member/donate and gtfo of here ASAP.





credits to @Clavers

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I wonder if it's "reaching" or being cheap by adding incentive for forum activity.  I was one of those players that just applied for member a while ago and never really looked back unless it was to check out stats.  I've noticed some of the hats available on server are restricted, maybe add that as a perk?

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