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Respond to !calladmin

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On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 10:14 AM, Flooooooooooooooooooooooof said:

As great as this addition sounds no admins come on when a player calls an admin. I personally think !calladmin is useless by the amount of times I been on Jailbreak and no admins came on when I or another player called for an admin. Not sure how it is on other servers though.

You clearly don't know me as soon as I see one for TTT I am instantly on. Though yeah I cant say anything for jailbreak.



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On 11/22/2017 at 10:34 AM, Moose said:

I was thinking the other day, and I noticed that we seemed to be getting quite a few calladmin requests. So, I thought that there should be a way for us admins + to let the players know that the admin request has been recieved, and an admin is coming online. 


Therefore, I belive that we should implement a !Respond command into the shoutbox. The bot would take the steamid of the staff member and in the server it would display, for example (maybe in yellow? We could use the forum tag colours for name and staff type?):


Admin Moose has responded to your calladmin request. Please wait


<Role> <Staff Name> has responded to your calladmin request. Please wait. 


Then, a PM from the Bot would be sent to the staff member saying that the response was sent. Also included in the PM, an invite link to the server (like the gametracker tags in the division list). 


In order to make sure the staff member is genuinely an admin for the server, it could check against the admin.ini file for the server and if matched, everything above takes place. If not, then the response is denied, and a pm is sent to the staff saying they are uneledgeable to respond to the call. 


We could add this to the point system that has been continuously discussed. 


I think that it could work and I understand it will be awkward to get it to work, but once in practice, it would be beneficial to those on the server as they know their report has been seen. 


Obviously there will be tweaks and such, I just wanted to throw out the idea and see what can become of it. 


Overall, we should let the players know that we are on the way. The players on the server can still record rule breakers whilst in wait, and deliver the evidence to the admin so they can sort the issue. Otherwise, they won’t know whether we’re actually reading the calladmin requests and on our way over. 




This seems like an amazing idea since sometimes when you do !calladmin you never know when they will actually get into the server and usually by that time it is too late and the person has left


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On 11/26/2017 at 2:51 PM, Nick said:

GFLCore already has something in place for admins, but we're currently reworking that too. At a later point, CallAdmin will be a part of the new GFL Forum Suite, but for now I have a hacky solution that'll work for just CA :P

Could this still not be implemented as you said you have something for the Council? I highly doubt Council members will be the ones who often respond to !calladmin

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