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Hi since i notice there was a forum for this, i realised that there is something that has been talked in the game server that has no post that atlast ive notice so far, so i want to compile all the ideas that ive listened so far from people in the server. Feel free to add your ideas by letting people know if: There is an available model for the idea, any way to scrip it into work. The idea as detailed as possible with links if possible.


SCP 1048

Models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=917375638





Idea: Unlike SCP 1048-A, This scp will be able to click on corpces or weapons to create flesh or metal teddies respectively, resurecting a player with either high life or high damage to assist scp 1048.


SCP 131

Model: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935624655&searchtext=scp+999

Idea: Ai controled cute sounding eyepods that stop 173 if they see it, they might follow players around if the ai can be worked to do so.


SCP 860


Idea: Starts in forest, has avereage speed and atack, right click ability should make. Either, charge and deal damage as it moves. Or, return him to the forest with his hp regenerated.


SCP 668


Idea: a Kitchen knife that forces the bearer to kill anyone. Any personel grabbing the knife gives them extra hp and the knife. They will atack and kill personel or take damage over time.


Do let know if you have any good ideas that could work with teamwork and determination.

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26 minutes ago, Everoth said:

resurecting a player with either high life or high damage to assist scp 1048.


I like it, it'd be a stronger 049 essentially. The only issue is that ragdolls of dead people don't currently persist, I can copy some TTT code, but people are likely going to use this to break doors (I can find a work around).


The eyepods might work and 860 is currently planned.


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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Posted  Edited by Everoth

Awesome, not sure if i can help you in any way, but let me know if i can. Also An Idea i forgoth.


SCP 420-J


Idea: A Healing item, when you use it, it heals you over time for a short time, then you have to press q and pass it around for it to work again. Chill music plays while effect is on play.

Edited by Everoth

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