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Mr Z


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Fun Fact

SCP-066 is not the only SCP linked to ERIC

so welcome to my suggestion of all the ERIC SCPs


ABILITY - Players that use it will get a inventory item, When holding the Inventory Item which is a tape, it will play the tape. depending on the class/role they'll get a different item, D Class get D Class Recording, and C.I get C.I Recording, and a recording for every single class/role except SCPs, when played, players in a certain radius will change teams to that side, say a C.I plays a C.I tape the roles around them will become C.I.


LOCATION - Spawns by 066, Can be picked up by holding down E so you can transport it, when a way to pick up things is implemented this will be removed so people can use that way to carry it.

Note that this SCP is a cassette tape recorder.



HEALTH - 750

ATTACK - 168 is able to "Zap" people that does 25 damage per "Zap", 3 Second Cooldown

ABILITY - A Shockwave that knocks players back and deals 50 damage, 30 second cooldown

PASSIVE - All Zaps stun the player it zaps for 2 seconds

LOCATION - Spawns by 066

Note that 168 is a calculator, but it can still move somehow, it flipped a god damn table



HEALTH - 2000
ABILITY - Players may eat SCP-683-3 from SCP-683-1, when done players will gain full HP, but it will start empty, see Passive to know how to stock it.

PASSIVE - Players that shoot, hit, or attack SCP-683 will have an effect placed upon them where the next 294 drink they drink or the next pizza they eat will deal 75 damage, when the damage is done a instance of SCP-683-3 will appear in the fridge and a player may eat it, including the victim. Note that the effect cancels the pizzas healing. 

LOCATION - Cafeteria

Note when players eat SCP-683-3 the player will say in chat "Tastes like Human Flesh."

Note-2 Its just a refrigerator.


Click on the SCP Numbers to go to their pages




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Honestly; I don’t know how you do this. You’ve made over 15, independent, quality posts over the last week, so I just wanted to say good job Mr. Z. Some of these SCPS may need some balance, gameplay wise. Overall, great job.

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13 minutes ago, miike475 said:

Honestly; I don’t know how you do this. You’ve made over 15, independent, quality posts over the last week, so I just wanted to say good job Mr. Z. Some of these SCPS may need some balance, gameplay wise. Overall, great job.

Thanks, and i know some of my suggestions may be too over powered or under powered, and that's because i stick as close to the lore as i can.




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12 hours ago, miike475 said:

Honestly; I don’t know how you do this. You’ve made over 15, independent, quality posts over the last week, so I just wanted to say good job Mr. Z. Some of these SCPS may need some balance, gameplay wise. Overall, great job.

Binge watches scp narations on youtube

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5 hours ago, ShitHumanBeing said:

Binge watches scp narations on youtube

Oh god no, some of those are horrible, i watched 2 people read SCP-SPOOKY-J, 1 did spookys voice as his own, another did it as an old man, i see spooky-j as skeletor.


also every SCP i suggest i read, carefully so i suggest it as close to lore as possible, and i also read tales that center around it sometimes.




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On 7/11/2018 at 4:36 AM, Mr Z said:

also every SCP i suggest i read, carefully so i suggest it as close to lore as possible, and i also read tales that center around it sometimes.

lore friendly 10/10

we're removing 682's health because it being able to be killed isn't lore friendly

also class d aren't allowed to escape anymore because in the game you always die

remember that researchers are suppose to die to so they just live for the first 30 seconds of the game then are kicked


(is big ghey joke don't want u tu missundstand leik peeple du)

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