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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father
13 minutes ago, Redline said:


Really? of the both auto snipers you have to choose the useful one.

if you have chose g3sg1 as a choice, it can probably considered (not really) since its reload speed is so bad.


On topic, no, auto sniper is an auto sniper no matter how you see it. yes it is possible to nerf the base firerate from csgo\scripts\weapon_scar20.txt , but the server has to have sv_pure 0 for the players to join.


Plus, even if the base firerate is nerfed, it can be brought back up with the rpg "increase firerate" upgrade.


Not to mention having smg and shotguns is bad enough for some player, now with the scar20 added back in, the overall population in the server will drop so much until only the top 30(?) are left.


Therefore, my answer for your proposal is a NO!

Edited by Mad_Father


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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: Grammar
4 minutes ago, -SL said:

The r8 was just added in and I'm getting shreked by it, I vote no at this moment.

At this rate, someone will be requesting for the m249 in a few days, then negev next week.

Edited by Mad_Father


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dont get me wrong, i want these weapons in the game, i just dont wanna get wrecked by them.  wish you could add a limit to how many times a player could use it in a game.

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: Grammar
51 minutes ago, -SL said:

dont get me wrong, i want these weapons in the game, i just dont wanna get wrecked by them.  wish you could add a limit to how many times a player could use it in a game.

Let me tell you my experience with auto sniper with maxed firerate,


It was only a few minutes ago in CS:S RPG Surf DM, I have most of the stats that I normally won't max for CS:GO (impulse and firerate) maxed and running around with m3 and deagle, then suddenly the map changed to surf_aim_dust2008_double_v2. At this moment, I knew I had to get sg550 (CT auto sniper) from the third top. After I got the auto sniper, I just spam it at other players, whether with scope or not, auto sniper is very efficient for camping portals.


As for negev, all the guns were enabled for some reason 2 resets ago aka last year. At that time I picked up the negev and used it to burst-fire the enemies across the map (it was on bigloop) it was efficient.

but all the op guns were disabled soon after cuz they were already disabled to begin with.


Might as well putting cz75a back on the gun list along with negev to make the wielder unstoppable,


Imagine someone with a negev charging toward you on the outer rims of the spawn on surf_skate_pb, it is the almost the same as someone running toward you with a pp bizon, but instead of the bizon eating your armor away first then aim-punch you to death, the negev will just eat away your health.


Yea we all want those weapons back, but we can't stop ourselves from wrecking people so hard that they quit and we can't stop someone from wrecking us so hard that we rage quit.


Even if we allow only one person to have guns from each catagory (smg, mg, sniper) it will still be very OP, considering that we do have infinite ammo from rollthedice plugin.

Edited by Mad_Father


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35 minutes ago, Mad_Father said:

Let me tell you my experience with auto sniper with maxed firerate,


It was only a few minutes ago in CS:S RPG Surf DM, I have most of the stats that I normally won't max for CS:GO (impulse and firerate) maxed and running around with m3 and deagle, then suddenly the map changed to surf_aim_dust2008_double_v2. At this moment, I knew I had to get sg550 (CT auto sniper) from the third top. After I got the auto sniper, I just spam it at other players, whether with scope or not, auto sniper is very efficient for camping portals.


As for negev, all the guns were enabled for some reason 2 resets ago aka last year. At that time I picked up the negev and used it to burst-fire the enemies across the map (it was on bigloop) it was efficient.

but all the op guns were disabled soon after cuz they were already disabled to begin with.


Imagine someone with a negev charging toward you on the outer rims of the spawn on surf_skate_pb, it is the almost the same as someone running toward you with a pp bizon, but instead of the bizon eating your armor away first then aim-punch you to death, the negev will just eat away your health.


Yea we all want those weapons back, but we can't stop ourselves from wrecking people so hard that they quit and we can't stop someone from wrecking us so hard that we rage quit.


Even if we allow only one person to have guns from each catagory (smg, mg, sniper) it will still be very OP, considering that we do have infinite ammo from rollthedice plugin.

But look at how roll the dice works, you get it and get to abuse it for a minute.  Yes it may suck but eventually you will die or lay off once you realize you've destroyed enough ppls lives.  Same thing could go for these weapons

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1 minute ago, -SL said:

But look at how roll the dice works, you get it and get to abuse it for a minute.  Yes it may suck but eventually you will die or lay off once you realize you've destroyed enough ppls lives.  Same thing could go for these weapons

I must agree with you that wrecking people too much with op guns can be boring from time to time, but it doesn't stop them from wrecking people with a more reproducible way.


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Autosnipers are a bad idea. There used to be a bug on CSGO:EU a while back where you could pickup weapons. I remember on surf_legends you were practically unkillable if you had damage/fire rate upgraded. Sure, you can kill someone with an auto with an AWP headshot, but high levels will start using them and that will end up making new people quit, as nobody enjoys being killed by an autosniper.

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11 hours ago, Octavia said:

Autosnipers are a bad idea. There used to be a bug on CSGO:EU a while back where you could pickup weapons. I remember on surf_legends you were practically unkillable if you had damage/fire rate upgraded. Sure, you can kill someone with an auto with an AWP headshot, but high levels will start using them and that will end up making new people quit, as nobody enjoys being killed by an autosniper.

Not sure whether that's a bug but CS:S RPG Surf DM has that enabled still, I still can get autosniper easily and spam the crap out of everyone unless I was countered by higher-leveled players.


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