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Hi Guys


Names Robert and my in game name is Boabster


Just came back playing Counter strike after good few years break, was originally 1.6 and source player but ive purchased CS Go now also and seem to be enjoying it


Hopefully see you all in game soon :)

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Hello Robert,

Welcome to GFL forum and servers.

Which CS:GO servers do you play on that's part of GFL? :O


Also, I'm from Cs 1.6 as well, I played it for not as long as you did, but at most 5 years. :D


credits to @Clavers

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Hi Bae


I like the 1 v 1 arena :) ive been playing on the zombie one also its bit bizzare game mode but addictive lol


I'll be on jailbreak one tonight hopefully if fillsup :) 

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