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rpg reset US and EU.

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how many months should we do a reset? (do note don't troll, or I just ignore you)


should we do it every 6 months like I said or one on the first of january and june, reasons as to why I made this topic being I seen people already over 1000 and already super OP.


please tell me how long you feel we should do reset dates.

I'm the cs:s Division Leader


feel free to ask for help


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6 months is probably for the best imo. Makes it a lot fairer. Could reset ranks now (As intended according to the server countdown) and then reset again in the beginning of January, then go back to the normal routine of Jan > Jun etc.

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Posted  Edited by -SL

6 months is fine. 

Edit: Opinion:  People get OP within two weeks of a reset, so if we are resetting it to encourage new players I don't know if that's the best way to do it.  I don't think it will discourage the people who already frequent the server, but that may have been a contributing factor to when the playerbase started to die after the first reset.  Obviously this is not up to me, I plan on sticking around and getting OP again.  Implenting temporary changes to servers like, adding game modes/weapons/maps things of that nature may help.  But really it bottles down to if a player wants to put up with the challenge it can be to kill an OP player.  

Edited by -SL

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father - Edit Reason: not a joke

So every six months it is.

To all who favor "reset RPG every six months", reply #ResetPer6Months


And no, this is not a troll, since there is no actual vote.

Edited by Mad_Father
not a joke


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1 hour ago, h3h3 said:

What about Prestige Ranks? Like every 100. Someone said this on the server yesterday but it wasn't on here and I forget who said it. Props to them.

I don't know if the plugin have level limitation. Prestige kinda sounds silly to be honest


Personally, 6 months makes sense. Reset 2x per year, which gives players more time and chance to reach 1000.





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