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CSGO Suggestion

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So I have been thinking about this for some time but never had the "willing / power" to create something like this but about a few years ago I was apart of this UK 10 Man Group and it was seriously a lot of fun having our own ELO system ect I was thinking if GFL had its own PUG system I don't know how hard it would be to create this (The ELO system) in game or have it external like PopFlash where it would -/+ elo when you lost or won the match at the end? or for just using PopFlash combined with TS / DISCORD for voice comms. I think this would bring the community closer from all the CS: GO servers and just be fun for us all.


I know how do web dev a little bit so I could try some mock-ups if need be too, but I think it would be good for the community if we had something like this.

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Could you further elaborate on this? I don't know what a PUG system is. Would this integrate with our existing servers? Or do we need to make new servers solely for this? If it is the former, then how should wins be weighted? A win on one server might be "worth" a lot more than on other servers.

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So PUG = PICK UP GAME  (FaceIT / CEVO / ESEA) but GFL's version of it


Basically you will have 2 teams of 5 making = 10 players a server

2 Captains will pick there 8 players (or could be just AUTO picks)

Then the Captains would go and VETO (Ban Maps) till they get just 1 map left then that's the play map


You would need new servers (basically 128tick competitive)


Maybe you will have ranks so eg 


ELO 0-700 = X RANK

         700-2000 = X RANK

         2000-5000 = X RANK ect ect


So maybe a win +40 (Depending on what ranks play with what ranks) and loss like -20 (Depending on what ranks play with what ranks ELO or something like this. Gives people a motive to win / stick at.


Also lets say you are rank "7" you can choose to que with -/+ 2 ranks so 5 and 9's or if nobody is queing with them ranks or near to you maybe you can click "QUE ALL" then it will throw you into a game where it has 7's and lower till 1 lets say.


Hope you understand what I mean by this @Nick


Would happy to talk about it on discord too if needs be. 


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I talked with @rack through DMs. He showed me this plugin that seem to handle most of the core functionality. @rack suggests starting out with a single server without a leaderboard in order to see if it will catch on. I will definitely bring this up with staff.


Thanks for your suggestions!

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54 minutes ago, rack said:

So maybe a win +40 (Depending on what ranks play with what ranks) and loss like -20 (Depending on what ranks play with what ranks ELO or something like this. Gives people a motive to win / stick at.


You wouldn't want to just do a flat point adjustment, Elo defines a function for determining the change in rating based on the ratings of the player you play against. It becomes a bit more complicated when you're dealing with teams, since Elo is intended to rank chess matches. As a rough estimate you could average the ratings for every player on each them, and then calculate the change in rating as if the team average were just an individual player's rating, and apply that change to each member of the team.


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1 minute ago, Dreae said:


You wouldn't want to just do a flat point adjustment, Elo defines a function for determining the change in rating based on the ratings of the player you play against. It becomes a bit more complicated when you're dealing with teams, since Elo is intended to rank chess matches. As a rough estimate you could average the ratings for every player on each them, and then calculate the change in rating as if the team average were just an individual player's rating, and apply that change to each member of the team.


Thanks for your input did not think of it like this. Like @Nick said GFL will not use the ranking system yet till they know what's 100% about it

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This has been discontinued for now. Not much progress was made due to the suggester being... unavailable. If you want to pursue this idea, get in touch with me or another staff member!

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