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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive UPDATE 8/5

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father

Sorry for late update on this, I just got home from work.



  • Weapon recoil now resets on reload
  • Players should no longer accidentally run into server DOS protections.





Will edit if more issue came up.

Edited by Mad_Father


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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father
6 minutes ago, Mad_Father said:

Players should no longer accidentally run into server DOS protections.

Can someone ELI5 on what this means? 

I know what DOS is but how can players accidentally run into server DOS protections?

Edited by Mad_Father


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37 minutes ago, Mad_Father said:

Can someone ELI5 on what this means? 

I know what DOS is but how can players accidentally run into server DOS protections?

I think they mean the problem with people getting kicked for too many commands

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5 minutes ago, CrusTi said:

I think they mean the problem with people getting kicked for too many commands

yes that is what they were refering to but it still does it. Good job to valve.

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6 minutes ago, CrusTi said:

I think they mean the problem with people getting kicked for too many commands

I just got kicked for pressing f on csgo surf rpg dm.


(my 'f' is bound to +lookatweapon; give item_heavyassaultsuit; give weapon_tagrenade; give item_nvgs)


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