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[Withdrawn] Admin Application for thethunderpants

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Posted  Edited by Benroyjam

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93512580


Link to Steam Account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TehRater/


What are you applying for: Administrator


Why do you want to apply for the above position: TF2 combat surf is my favorite server, and since i'm on it a lot, i think it would be good to help the server and it's community a little more than i currently can. I would appreciate the position, and use it to help the server at high extent.:^_^:


What you have to offer our server and the community: Time. Lots of it. I also can assist people with questions in many ways because I am up to date with knowledge of the server and my bilingual ability.(I speak Spanish. First language.)

Do you have any prior experience as the above position: I literally have 0 Admin experience :kappa:

Why we should accept you: as mentioned before, i have time, i am willing to help, and it is my favorite server ::D:.




PS: you guys don't have a place where i can put bad stuff about me so i'll right it here :P

~> I am 14

~> I have a ban from one of your G-MOD servers.

~> I am starting school in a rigorous program in a couple of days


I thank you for reviewing my application, and I greatly appreciate that you are giving me your time.


Edited by Benroyjam

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Hey @thethunderpants. Thanks for your time applying on the admin. My question is: How will you manage your time between school, life and the server? While you're going to answer my questions, other Combat Surf staff Razor-Wolf, @LonelyLettuce and @SouRD will ask you some questions first before casting any votes.





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well since i get off school earlier than i did last year now, i will be able to work on stuff in the spare time that i have, i would probably be able to get on at around 5-6 with time to spare on the server, and as for my life, Since random stuff can't be really tracked, I might be off some days, but try to maintain contact via steam mobile ::D:


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Thunder informed me this morning that he won't be on the server until next Monday because of last minute or "emergency." Just had to let you all know about it. He said he'll still be active on the forums.





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Thunder informed me today that he is withdrawing this application because he is too busy to focus on the game.







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