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fish cat

ttt ban appeal

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Name: fish eating cat


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:501958879


Banned by: mom


Ban reason: aimbot


Why you should be unbanned: i was traitor and i got an autosniper as soon as the round stsarted and i pretty much picked off multiple people with an ak47 i bought at the start because it was so easy to kill a group standing still. the round just started so half the people were afk anyways, and ass oon as teh round was over, i was banned!! the admin didnt even ask me or spectate me the next round which means he didnt even see half the people afk!! shuldnt an admin at least check the situation??? either way i was not cheating i was playing nortmally, but becuas ei killed so many afk people, it looked really weird to kill so many people at once and ppl were screaming i was cheating when i wasnt.


thank u for readingg

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Guest SkydivingSquid

@Mom do you have proof of fishbot aimbotting?

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hello there fish cat, I banned you for aimbot. You got 19 kills in just over a minute, all headshots as well. This is not enough evidence to ban you however, so I watched you for the remainder of the round and determined that you were indeed hacking. Using death scenes, I got enough evidence to ban you. After deliberation with my team and discovery of another server banning you recently for the same reasons, it was decided that you were indeed hacking and will not be unbanned. In one year exactly, you may appeal this ban.

Thank you,



also, no this is not my fetish, unfortunately 

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Guest SkydivingSquid

I agree with, @Mom. You are definitely using an aimbot which is not tolerated on any GFL server. You will remained banned. 


You may appeal in a year. 


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