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admins r there for a reasons

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admins r there for a reason i meen 

ive been reposting so much rdm teaming and gun camping on murder and admins r still not responding

im just mad cause all those admins applyed to become an admin but they r almost never there




if you are a murder admin and you r reading this please come on the server to look at whats goin on

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1. I'd just like to point out that your title "admins r there for a reasons" is on point.

2. There are not a lot of murder admins sadly, so please be patient and let them get to you, I'm sure they have a lot going on already. 

3. Admins can't be on 24/7. It's just not possible. Even though it'd be amazing if that could be done, it can't. If you ever need an admin add them on steam or come on the forums and see if anyone is on. I'm sure they will get on when they can and are not just there for no reason. 


The only reason I'm saying these things to you is I am an ex-admin/manager and I know how hard it can get, so just please give them time and if you feel like they missed what you said, just send it again. Just make sure not to overload them with spams or anything. 





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