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Special Round: SCP Roulette

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1 Random SCP starts in 682's chamber, rest are d class. SCP has 1000 health no matter what SCP they get. When a d boi kills the SCP they turn into a random SCP and continue the killing spree, health is reset back to 1000. This is kinda like trying to get the infinity gauntlet in Fortnite, everyone will be scrambling to kill the SCP first and have fun killing their buddies. A problem that might arise from this could be that when the round ends when the SCP is killed not allowing the transfer to happen. Don't know if their is a way to stop that from happening or not, a solution could be to split the spawn ins from d boi to d class and researchers. This round could be quick if more dangerous SCP's get chosen or pretty slow if the SCP is less dangerous.


dis is da one 👌

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